Breville Avance
This was an interesting excersize that made me realise just how many parts there were in everyday objects. The amount of parts in the Breville avance kettle amazed me. Some were completely useless; like the little part that held the outer handle piece to the body. These could have been designed better to minimize the parts.
Firstly, we disassembled the kettle and put it into its respective sub assembly's.
Lid assembly. (above)
Handle assembly (Above)
Docking station Assembly (Above)
Main body assembly (Above)
Heating element assembly (Above)
Everything :)
We then used Greenfly to plot our chart data before proceeding to re-design the kettle. One of the main issues was the amount of parts in the handle just because the switch was there. In order to minimuse this we moved the switch to the docking station and made the main body a single mould (+ heating element attachment). We also changed the PP colour to Transparent PP. This was done to avoid the co-polymer moulding process. We also wanted to investigate screw placement for the kettle to make it easier to dissassemble, and decided that the kettle needed a return system so that the PP could be recycled effectively.
All in all a good activity.
All in all a good activity.